Customers’ Voices

FRUEHAUF Fan (Journal)

When our customers' voices have come into shape, and when the shape we want to introduce has been created, we communicate the information via our journal, FRUEHAUF Fan. The journal introduces customers' voices with the products we have created by meeting customer requests and solving their problems. The contents are only available in Japanese.


Introduction of FRUEHAUF Fan (Journal)

想いを運ぶ(Omoiwo Hakobu)

Although our employees do not have the opportunity to meet directly with customers daily, they can get in touch with customers' voices through the Company newsletters to see how they have been involved in taking shape and it being sent out into the world. Such customers' voices encourage them to make new trials and errors, serving as fuel for them. We will pick up a part of "Carrying thoughts that cannot be said in daily life" introduced on the Company newsletter page. The contents are only available in Japanese.

Introducing "Carrying thoughts that cannot be said in daily life" in the Company Newsletters.