Corporate Information

Corporate Philosophy and Policy

Since its establishment in 1963, Nippon Fruehauf Company, Ltd., has consistently accepted the challenge of developing advanced technologies in the field of transport equipment.
Here you will find our corporate philosophy and our features and policies regarding safety, the environment, and quality.

Corporate Philosophy

  • With a high level of conventional wisdom, we contribute to society through sincere corporate activities in harmony with the global environment while aiming to be a good corporate citizen trusted by society.
  • As a distinctive manufacturer of transport equipment, we provide useful functional products and services that contribute to resolving the changing challenges of our customers.
  • We maximize the creativity and teamwork of individual employees and create a corporate culture with the free and open spirit of challenge that leads to a sense of achievement and satisfaction.
  • By evolving highly efficient management, we enhance the ability to respond to changes in the business environment and sustain long-term stable growth and improvement in corporate value.

Safety, Environment, and Quality Policy

Safety and Health Policy

Safety and Health Policy

The Nippon Fruehauf Group recognizes that the safety and health of its employees are the foundation of its corporate existence. To protect the safety and health of all employees, we make sure that everyone participates in safety and health activities with the aim of creating a bright and comfortable work environment free from accidents.


  • We strive to avoid and reduce the risk of industrial accidents in all business activities and aim for zero accidents.
  • We give top priority to the health of employees and their families and strive to maintain and improve their physical and mental health.
  • We strive to improve the sanitary environment and build an environment where employees and local communities can feel safe and secure.
  • We share correct knowledge and information and comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules.

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Nippon Fruehauf pursues environmentally friendly technologies and takes the initiative in protecting the environment through production activities for trailers and van type bodies with full awareness of environmental protection to contribute to the realization and maintenance of a prosperous society.

Environmental Policy

  • Provision of environmentally friendly products
    In our production activities and in the provision of our products, we actively and continuously improve environmental issues and strive to prevent pollution with the aim of reducing environmental impacts.
  • Promotion of environmental conservation
    In all business activities, we comply with laws and regulations and actively respond to the requirements of society and engage in environmental conservation activities.
  • Realization of environmentally conscious business activities
    In all business activities, we work to conserve energy and resources, execute green procurement and recycling, and strive to protect our limited global resources by reviewing these efforts.
  • Realization of better environmental activities
    We provide education to all employees of Nippon Fruehauf and its affiliated companies to ensure that they recognize and are aware of the importance of global environmental protection. We also engage in environmental activities other than business activities with the objective of achieving harmony and co-prosperity with society.
  • Disclosure of our environmental policy
    This environmental policy will be disclosed to the public upon external request or other necessity.

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

We provide products and services that earn the trust and satisfaction of customers.

  • We incorporate customer requests from the product design and development stages to ensure product realization.
  • In manufacturing, we strictly adhere to delivery dates, reduce costs, pay full attention to safety, and create the quality established in the design and development stages.
Environmental Report

The contents are only available in Japanese.

  • Download the Environmental Report from here.

    Environmental Report

  • Download

Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification

  • In February 1999, we acquired ISO 9001 certification, an international quality standard, and have strived to produce products that can be used with a sense of security.

    However, it is also true that these production activities have a significant impact on the global environment. We therefore decided to make an effort to protect the global environment by acquiring ISO 14001 certification, an international environmental standard, and acquired it in November 2002. (Scope of certification: Head Office and Atsugi District)

  • ISO 14001 certification acquisition status at related sites
    • Fruehauf Hokkaido Company Ltd. 
      acquired certification in September 2003.
    • Fruehauf Okayama Company Ltd. 
      acquired certification in July 2004.
    • Fruehauf Shiga Company Ltd. 
      acquired certification in July 2012.
    • Fruehauf Kyushu Company Ltd. 
      acquired certification in May 2013.